Wednesday, May 19, 2010

South To Savannah

The drive south was pretty uneventfull until  we pull into a gas station and this pickup pulls up to the pump with a pair of still in the shipping crate NOS `70`s era MZ 250cc motorcycles.These are pretty rare to begin with as they were manufactured in the GDR ironically by a Dane.
They offically closed the doors in the factory in Zschopau in December of 2008,and had an 88 year run of motorcycle production in the same town.They had the distinction of being one of the oldest motorcycle factories in the world,making motorcycles since 1922.
Rumor has it that it will rise from the ashes sometime this year.Who knows.
So these two guys came up from south Miami to pick these bikes up and haul `em back there,where they told me there is a rather large  MZ club that gathers at the Fudruckers every Thursday night.I told them I`d meet them down there when I get back.

Not a whole lot happened until we got to Savannah,gas stops,coffee,P breaks `n some more coffee.
We get to Savannah,get a place to call home for the night and head out.
About that time my body`s craving some...

...and then I spot this sign:

Ahhhhh,with a name like Gallery Espresso,they should be able to get the job done.So as I`m parking the bike across the street this guy comes over to me,says hi and  that he has the 1200 version of my bike.
"Sorry to hear that" says I.(It`s a BMW insider joke......never mind).His name is Chris.
So we yak `n have some c-c-c-caffeine.Ohh Yeah,all better now.
Like me,Chris is an advrider member and motorcyclist when his schedule allows.
So he mentioned that he was a Chef and had  a place called Sapphire Grill.
Not knowing Savannah and it`s eating establishments,I didn`t think too much about it.
Upon researching where to eat that evening,Grumpy comes up with two chioces,and one of them happens to be Sapphire Grill.

So I call Chris,get a reservation(I know,not exactly roughing it on a motorcycle)and we`re in like Flynn.
All I can say is WOW.
This guy can cook,I mean really cook.
The Diver Scallops rocked,big time,as did everything else.

Chef Chris

Thanks Chris.What a meal.Outstanding.
If you go to Savannah and you don`t go to Sapphire Grill,you`re really missing out on some 5 star cooking.Seriously.
It really is a treat for the senses.

The next day was spent exploring Savannah,what a town.Soaking in history and architecture,right up my ally.

 Curved panes of glass.A lost art.

Jules,from Gallery Espresso,Chris and Murf.

Gallery Espresso  became the Unnofficial Official HQ for the Savannah layover.Coolest coffee shop in town.
Great caffeine,food,and you can sit inside on the sofas or outside and people watch all day long.
Jules,if you`re reading this,a big HI and thanks.
Hope to see you again soon.

Monday, May 17, 2010

On The Way To Savannah...

...we met Marty

...who lived across the street in this house:

which was built in:
He said there isn`t a straight door frame,window sash, pane of glass or floorboard in the place.

I was shocked.

As I recovered my composure,he proceeded to tell us that the Nina and the Pinta happened to be in town, so off we went.

And there they were.

In the same breath,(rumor has it he played the bagpipes) he told us to stop by The Rice Paddy

Most excellent fare for a weary traveller.

However our dinner in Savannah at the Sapphire Grill blew everything out of the water.
More on that later.
