Left my house in Ft.Lauderdale at 5 am Saturday morning and pulled into Albuquerque NM at about 7 pm Sunday evening.A little over 2000 miles in about 40 hours.
I didn`t take any pictures from Florida all the way over to New Mexico,mainly because there isn`t a whole lot to see on I-40 West.
However crossing over the Texas /New Mexico state line at about 7pm,the sunset was just stunning.From the state line to Albuquerque is about 260 or so miles,and all the way there I was treated to the most beautifull colors in the sky,vivid blues and oranges that lasted the whole way there.
On the way through Texas on I-40,where everything is bigger including the storms,I drove through the mother of all hail storms,seriously !!.
What started out as a pretty regular looking rain storm :
..started to morph into this......
...and by the time I realised that I was screwed and had nowhere to go but forward it had turned into a seriously pissed off full throttle marble sized hailstorm.
On the eastbound side there was a pile up,peoples windshields were cracking,my whole body was getting pelted,I have a few bruises on my legs from it(really!!).
All I could do was try to punch through it,which I did about 10 miles down.
I arrived at my host Terris house,exhausted,battered by Texas,and hardly able to kep my eyes open,but very happy to have made it in one piece.
Rock On! enjoy the ride as they say :-)
Great pics. Keep 'em coming....looking forward to more adventure.
Holy cow. Rain in Fort lauderdale is bad enough, but hail is much worse. Stay home next time. The NM pictures are awesome.
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